Travelling has been my passion for a long time now. During the past dozen or so years I visited over 60 countries, each time taking photographs, making films and writing travelogues. A part of those has been published online since I hoped to introduce others to distant worlds, people and civilisations.
For many years I ran a website titled Dzienniki Wypraw (Travel Journals) where I published voyage accounts, descriptions, photos, maps and all these things that helped me to blaze the way to getting to know exceptional diversity of our world.
After 11 years, in 2016, I have ceased updating the website. This way, over 7000 photos with detailed descriptions and 26 journeys to different corners of the world, goes down in history as one of the first large travel websites on the Polish internet. On April 8th, 2019, the website went offline permanently.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this website existence, and followed and supported it for over a decade of publications.